Mikołaj Nkollo, TaCo-CPC ? Tagged Corpus of Classical Portuguese Clitics. 17th century (Corpus Anotado dos Clíticos do Portugues Clássico. Século XVII)

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Wydanie I,
Poznań 2020
Format 21x14,5 cm
ISBN 978-83-65483-97-3
DOI 10.48226/dwnuam.978-83-65483-97-3_2020.2
ss. 1821

język: angielski

Seria: Dystertacje Wydziału Neofilologii UAM (Seria Nowa), z. 2 (2020)

This books contains a corpus of tagged clitic sequences which were extracted from fourteen 17th century Classical Portuguese texts. The texts are carefully selected and represent different text types and degrees of formality. It is reasonable that poetry has been excluded from the corpus because poetic texts may be subject to specific metrical conditions and this may lead to inaccurate conclusions. It is also very positive that the original spelling and punctuation has been preserved, avoiding interventions and manipulations of the original language. The book is a rich source of information on clitic pronouns in 17th century Classical Portuguese and takes into consideration the relevant factors: their morpho-phonological features, clitic placement, proclisis triggers, negation, interpolation, etc. It represents a valuable contribution from an obviously knowledgeable author and complements Martin's (1994) seminal work on clitic pronouns in Old Portuguese.
(Fragment of the editorial review prof. dr hab. Esther Rinke-Scholl Goethe Universität Frankfur)

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